Random stuff!!

I am sitting at my computer drinking my second glass of Coke, eating sugar cookies. Today I do not care what I eat. I have been so good for most of my pregnancy I am having a day where I am treating myself to whatever I want. I am tired of the diet soda, the sugar free snacks, low sugar cereal, fat free milk, etc. I am under the 2 week mark (induction scheduled for the 24th) and I am counting down the days. My clothes don't fit anymore and I feel like I am being cut in half by them. I have contractions all the time but nothing regular. Maybe just maybe I will go in to labor on my own.
I am cleaning my house, here and there, making food and freezing it for easy meals after the baby. I have 4 more days of work until my maternity leave starts. My bags are packed and the nursery is ready. Now the baby just needs to arrive!!!
The kids are getting excited! Adley always makes comments about how slow I am or that I can't bend over because of the baby in my belly. Eli just comes over lifts up my shirt, pats my belly and says, 'belly, baby' with a confused look on his face. He does it several times a day.
This week for FHE we decided to review a movie that I got the kids for Christmas about Moses. These movies can be found here. They are great and the kids enjoy watching them. We decided to review the 10 commandments. When Jared got to #7 - he told me I could explain this one "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Hmmm, how am I going to explain this one to a 4 and 6 yr old. Luckily Jared came up with his own explanation. "It means that mommies and daddies don't have any other boyfriends and girlfriends" Enough said - they accepted that explanation.
The other day Adley got in trouble and had to have a time out - when he was done I asked him if he knew why he was in trouble, he replied, "because I wasn't following Jesus' example." He really surprises me by what he is learning at church.
Also when we were driving home on Monday here is the conversation between Adley and me.
Adley: mommy, why don't we ever go that way (pointing to the right)
Me: Because we live this way, we don't have any reason to go right
Adley: But I want to go that way (pointing right again)
Me: If we went that way we wouldn't be going anywhere and we would just be wasting gas
Adley: But I want to see that part of the city!
**Maybe he will be a little traveler when he gets older.

Recently I have been trying to find ways to make our monthly bills cheaper - mainly the grocery bill. I have been clipping coupons, printing internet coupons, etc. Yesterday my cousin posted some more sites on her blog about coupons and getting the best deals. I have made a section to the right titled 'savings' with these sites on it. Help yourself, I have spent most of the morning printing coupons and registering for free stuff. Here are 2 good deals I found:
1) Home Made Simple Coupon Book - sign up here and receive a book full of valuable P&G coupons ($27 worth!). Each book also contains a coupon good for one free item!

2) Beech-Nut Parents Pack - call 1-800-523-6633 to request yours. I called this morning and I should get my pack in 2 weeks.

Well that's all for now!!!


Unknown said…
thanks so much for the coupon links!! We are also always looking for ways to save some money. Sorry you have gotten to the uncomfortable point in the pregnancy. I'll keep my fingers crossed that baby arrives soon and on his own for you!!
Tiffany said…
Thanks for the link! And good luck as the count down dwindles! I think Kristin McKeen (whatever her new last name is now) is due this week sometime. So many new additions to the Bird family!

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