
Man do I love this little boy! He is full of squeals, smiles, slobbers, hugs, crumbs and dirt. He is at such a fun age. Liam says a lot through the faces he makes because he is quite stubborn and shy and still not wanting to talk much. He says a hand full of words, shakes his head yes and no and is starting to make different sounds. He is making progress so I am not too worried anymore. And if you haven't heard or more pacifier....Yay! Liam is growing up so fast but is still my most snugly baby. He loves to rock in the chair before nap and bed and when he gets up in the morning he often times runs to my room to crawl in bed with me for more snuggles. I just love it! Up next, to turn his crib into a toddler bed....then all signs of 'babyness' will be gone, ah so sad!
Liam learned how to climb anything recently, kind of scary! This was a search for his paci back in March. The boy would do anything for that darn pacifier, but surprisingly it was pretty easy to get rid of. We are very lucky he didn't get hurt in any of climbing adventures.
Liam loves Mickey, I'm mean really really loves Mickey! This is what he does most mornings while eating his cereal from a baggie. He does not like to be disturbed and pretty much ignores everyone around him.
He also loves to open/close the garage door. Now our car is synched with the garage door but we have to bring the other one so Liam can do it. He gets it off the counter when we leave, hops in the car, makes a few noises to go along with pressing the button and closes the door. Then when we get home he opens it, gets out and closes it from inside the house, then places it back on the counter.

The kids love the call him 'mail' because that is what his name is spelled backwards. The boys always ask people what is their backwards name. We have a Nadia, Yelda, Ile and Mail!

And the above watermelon picture. This is where Liam spends most of his time eating, especially watermelon and popsicles. Otherwise I spend half of my day wiping up sticky messes from the floor. He loves watermelon and I am a big fan of the slow melt popsicles. You must let your kids try them!


Unknown said…
slow melt popsicles? What are those??
Melanie said…
The Popsicle brand makes them and they are awesome. They are smaller too and the mess is quite a bit less. I only started seeing them a month ago, no idea how long they've been out.

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