Eli's Preschool/Discovery Place

Eli finished his first year of preschool in May. They have this big program for the 4yr old kids and the 3yr old class gets to participate as well. Eli loves school. He asks me everyday if he gets to go to school tomorrow. He only goes 2 times a week. I hope his love for school doesn't wear off like it has for Aidan. I think it's because Aidan is bored. I wish his teacher could see that and challenge him more. Maybe in 3rd grade it will be different. Did I just say 3rd grade - time sure does fly and I'm certainly not getting any younger. Anyway, back to Eli. He did a great job in his program. He yawned a lot, poor kid we were at Dollywood the day before and didn't get home until late. But he did flash a few good smiles...

Eli with Miss Linda - he loves her and we do too!

Eli being silly at a store on Main Street.

Also while my parents were here we went to Discovery Place in Charlotte. It was so much fun. We also saw the IMAX while there called "Born to be Wild". Aside from the place being so environmentally friendly and organic (it was $5 for a dang organic PB&J - there wasn't much in the way of selection for the average family), it was a fun place to visit.
Liam at the water station
I love this picture of Adley because he is in the air!
The kids spent majority of their time at this machine that you control yourself by spinning wheels. It transports nerd-like pebbles from one side to the other. We spent so much time here we missed a whole section of the place that we didn't even know about.

Liam in the air chair. I think this picture looks like something out of Star Wars.
Adley's tower
Playing games with Grandma & Grandpa Bird while me and Jared went on a much needed date night.
Me & my mom


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