Introducing . . .
Born 2/24/09
Time: 2:45pm
Weight: 7lbs 13.6 oz
Length 20.50 in
Head 14.75 in
His name:Time: 2:45pm
Weight: 7lbs 13.6 oz
Length 20.50 in
Head 14.75 in
We decided about 2 days before Liam was born that we didn't really 'love' the names we had on our list, so we went looking again. We narrowed it down to Liam and Beckett. Liam seemed to fit him the best and so that is what we named him. The boys were a little bummed to begin with as they had been calling the baby Kaleb for a month or so. They have adjusted fine though to the change. The middle name is my grandpa's middle name. He passed away in 2003. All of our boys have family middle names and we really wanted to carry on my grandpa's name.
We think that Liam looks a lot like Adley did when he was born - but that he has Eli's nose. He has a head full of black hair about an inch or so long - more than any of the other boys.
My labor experience:
As many of you were already aware I was scheduled to be induced with Liam on the 24th, but around 6pm the night before, during Eli's birthday party I started having contractions every 5min. This had happened 2 other times before for about 8hrs, so I didn't really think anything about it. The contractions started getting more intense around 10pm, I tried to sleep for a little bit between 12-1:30am, but then couldn't anymore after that. I decided to head in to the hospital around 4:30am (I knew they wouldn't send me home if this wasn't the real thing, b/c I was already going to be induced). Jared stayed at home with the kids and waited for my call as to whether he could stay home and get the boys to school or if he needed to come in right away. I was only 4-5cm when I arrived at the hospital. Jared arrived at around 7am. I continued to walk, use the tub, change my positions, etc. I was so excited that I actually went in to labor on my own. Throughout most of this pregnancy I have had really bad hip/pelvis pain especially on the right side. In the beginning of my labor Liam was posterior (meaning his back was laying against my back) and was causing a lot of pain. I really wanted to have a waterbirth again, like I did with Eli and Adley, but the pain in my back was beginning to be too much for me. I was given IV pain meds and when my doctor arrived around 8:30am, I was 7cm. He broke my water and I was ready to hopefully have this baby within the next hour (since it was my 4th baby, hoping it would go faster than the last one). 3 hrs later and now with increasing back pain, I was now only 8cm. I opted for the epidural - I couldn't take the pain anymore and figured that if I couldn't relax on my own, then I probably wouldn't progress in labor. I was disappointed that I wasn't able to have Liam in the water, but felt like I gave it all I had. After all I had now been awake for more than 24hrs, and in labor for 17hrs. The epidural took away my back pain, but gave me the wonderful side effects of nausea and shakes. I tried to rest but couldn't b/c I didn't like the way the epidural made my body feel. Finally at 2:45pm Liam came into this world. Even with absolutely no feeling, I only had to push about 5 times (shorter time than when I actually could feel with the last two deliveries) and his cord was wrapped around his neck twice. Liam transitioned well and is a healthy baby boy.
All in all my labor and delivery went well - not exactly like I had expected - but Liam is healthy and so am I. I am still in shock that my labor was so long though. The length of my labors has gotten longer with every baby - not shorter like one would expect. Aidan's was quick (8hrs), but I was on Pitocin; Adley - 4hrs; Eli - 12hrs; Liam - 21hrs. I am not sure these stats make me want to have another child.
Anyways we had a good night at the hospital last night, Jared came home and stayed with boys. We brought Liam home tonight around dinner time. He is adjusting well and has discovered he has a voice. We will keep you all updated as he gets bigger. The big boys love their little brother and are excited he is finally here.