Wednesday Jared was picking Aidan up from school. On the way home they were following a school bus. They saw some kids get off the bus and here is the conversation that followed:
Adley: Hey a lady just got off the bus
Aidan: She's not a lady Adley - you are using that word wrong
Adley: She is too a lady
Aidan: No she's not
Jared: Aidan, he can call her a lady if he wants, it is not incorrect
Adley: See I told you Aidan
Jared: Adley, it's okay to call them a lady by why do you pick that word instead of saying 'girl'
Adley: Because I can't say that word!!!!!!
(Usually when he attempts to say girl - it comes out 'gra' or when he tries to say; tile or pile - it comes out 'tila, or pila' - trouble with the "L's" I guess, he'll get it sorted out some day)


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