Not again!

Last night I got home from work and heard Liam coughing through the baby monitor. It was the barky croupy kind of cough...and he was wheezing again. Jared went up and gave him a nebulizer treatment. We waited a little while and he didn't sound better. I brought him downstairs to be with me. He had a low grade fever too. I called the Pediatrician. He told us to repeat the neb treament and give him some of the oral steroid I had leftover from last time. We did and he seemed to improve a little bit. The albuterol wired him up pretty good and it wasn't until after 12am we got him back to sleep. He slept pretty good in our room with the humidifier on. We took him to the doctor this morning. We were told he had croup and reactive airway disease (RAD)- or in other words, not asthma, but a history of coughing, wheezing and respiratory problems of an unknown cause. Kids usually aren't accurately diagnosed with asthma until around age 6, so when little kids present with these symptoms it is referred to as RAD. The doctor thinks that anytime Liam gets a virus his body responds with the RAD. Anytime Aidan gets a virus his lymph nodes swell a lot. I guess this is the way Liam's body deals with a virus. His eyes are draining yucky stuff again. His oxygen levels were normal - thank goodness! So for now we are back to 3+ neb treatments a day, eye drops and the oral steroid for 5 days. Since Liam has been home from the hospital the only place he has really been was church and we held him the whole time there but Eli did go to nursery and now he is congested and snotty again! I am so done with everyone being sick. Will it ever end????


Unknown said…
Oh Melanie, I am so sorry!!! You all have been through too much this winter. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for everyone.

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