An Answer

Today we found out that Liam has RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus). RSV is somewhat like the common cold, but it affects little kids differently because they can't clear their secretions and their airways are smaller. There is really no way to treat RSV except to support the symptoms and wait out the virus. So we will be here receiving neb treatments and oxygen. He is on antibiotics for his ear infection and to cover and other respiratory infection. The last time Liam was in the hospital we did have an RSV test done and it was negative. I am wondering if maybe the test was wrong then and he has had this all along. Not sure why it would show up again so quickly though. We are doing well and many have called to check on us - thank you. I will have to work tomorrow so we have coverage for the big boys while Jared is with Liam. I have to say it will be weird working on the same floor where my baby is sick. I can't exactly take care of him though because it would be a 'conflict of interest'. He is in great hands here though and it will be nice to walk down the hall and check on him. We will keep you posted as to when we get to go home.


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