Home Sweet Home!

As many of you already know Liam spent 3 nights in the hospital this past week due to hypoxia (decreased oxygen saturation) and mild dehydration. He had been sick for about 2 weeks, starting with a croupy cough that got a little better over a week. He seemed to be feeling okay for his birthday celebration and on Thursday the 25th he went in for his 1 yr checkup. He was running a fever and had a horrible cough. We were told to watch him over the weekend and if he didn't get better to bring him back in on Monday. He continued to run a fever, decreased appetite and no energy to play.

He would nap and then wake up and lay around the house

He was not playful at all and he just wanted to be held. On Monday evening we took him in for a follow up and he had lost 11oz since the prior Thursday. His lungs didn't sound too bad according to the doctor, but we did check his oxygen saturation and it was 85% (they want it above 90%). So off to the hospital we went. I was lucky enough to have him taken care of by my wonderful co-workers (since we do Pediatrics on the floor I work on in addition to Labor). He had an IV, blood drawn, was placed on oxygen, had some xrays and was started on some albuterol treatments with chest percussion (to loosen everything up). He tolerated everything pretty well, but was really tired after all the admission stuff.

Our first night at the hospital - he is wiped out!

Day 2 - We didn't get to see Jared and the boys this day due to another snow storm that dropped 8 inches at our house. We communicated by video with the boys. Liam loved seeing his brothers on the phone.

Feeling better after some IV fluids and of course Cheerios!
In his hospital crib - he spent most of the time in the hospital bed with me except when I needed to escape to the bathroom. He was very cuddly!

Liam playing in the crib. He is in a pretty good mood!

Day 3 - Jared and the boys came to see us this day. I got to escape the hospital for about 3 hrs with the big boys while Liam got some daddy time. Here he is napping.

We tried a couple of times each day to wean him from his oxygen but his lungs weren't ready yet. The doctors aren't sure if he had a viral pneumonia or if a section of his lung was unable to exchange oxygen (atelectasis) and needed help reopening. The xrays did not give a clear picture of what was going on. He was very wheezy and crackly in his lungs with periods of time where his respiratory rate was faster than normal. He was a trooper to deal with the oxygen and IV tubing. He got tangled several times and would get frustrated and rip his oxygen off. He has some red marks on his face left over from that. On Wednesday he started eating better, not really drinking well yet. By Thursday he was playful, and he passed his room air trial awake and asleep. We were home by 1230.

Getting his first real bath in 5 days

Liam has done great since coming home. He will continue to get nebulizer treatments for at least a week. He has a follow-up appointment with the doctor on Monday. Thank you to everyone for your concern and prayers. We appreciated it very much!!!


Unknown said…
Oh my gosh Melanie. It breaks my heart to see Liam like that (and brings back memories of Zoey being sick). I am so so so happy he is better and home now. What a tough few weeks for you all. Hope March brings renewed health to your family.
lacey said…
Melanie I am so glad he is doing better. We all were very worried about the little guy. I was bragging to Kendra the other day and made the statement "If I ever have another baby I would only pray that he/she would be just like little Liam". He is such a easy going boy that loves life. Such a sweet gift adds to the other 3 gifts that you have been given.
Jenny P. said…
We are so happy that he is home!! We thought a lot about you guys and said many prayers on little Liam's behalf. Much love to you all...
Maria said…
I am so glad he is better and that you guys are able to be home again!

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