Sugar Bowl - New Orleans

Many of you know that my little brother Greg's football team - the Utah Utes went to the Sugar Bowl this year. I had the opportunity (thanks to my parents and other brothers for helping with my plane ticket) to go to New Orleans and see my family again and go to the game. Greg had only 6 tickets to give away so Andrea was not able to come, plus she has a new baby that she really couldn't leave. We missed you Andrea! We were there the 1st-3rd of Jan. We stayed in downtown New Orleans off of Canal street. I must say that New Orleans is definitely not my kind of city. We did get to take a boat tour down the Mississippi River which was fun, but overall the city was crowded, dirty and uncensored. The game however was a lot of fun. The Utes played a great game and came away with a 31-17 victory over Alabama. Here are some pictures from my trip:

Domino Sugar Plant, hence the reason they call it the 'Sugar Bowl'

View of the city from our boat on the Mississippi

Street dancers we watched. This guy pretended to stumble in to traffic and then did a few spins on his head.
Beginning of the game. Greg is #49, you can see him in the middle. Hopefully he will get more playing time next year, but he red shirted one year so this really was his freshman year being eligible to play. His position is linebacker.

Me & my mom
My dad & brothers
The team celebrating with fans after the game.

The boys the morning that we left. Adam was still asleep in his room.


it would have been nice to join the rest of the family, however I know I'm the out cast so it wasn't a big deal - just kidding, but I was kinda bummed out! maybe another time.
Hammond Family said…
Looks like you guys had alot of fun!

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