Baby Names!?!?!

As I mentioned previously in another post, I was going to put a list of baby names up to see what everyone thought. I have placed a poll on the right side of my blog for you to vote. The list is a combination of names that Jared and I have come up with, some we like a lot, some only a little. We thought we would get everyone else's opinions as well. Please don't be offended if we don't pick the one that has the highest number of votes - this is really only to help us narrow down our list. We have chosen a family middle name already - some of you know it, but for now we will keep that a secret. Let the voting begin!!!!!!


Unknown said…
there are some great names on there. knowing the middle name would help though. ;-P Can't wait to hear the final result. What ever it is it will be perfect. ;-)
Jenni said…
I like a lot of your name choices. It will be fun to see what he ends up being named. I'm excited for you!
InkMom said…
Okay, there are some great names on there, but can I vote against some? I'll do it in person, but only if you ask.

Love you guys, and I promise (unlike Mom) to call your baby whatever you name him!

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