Getting ready for baby!
So I am now already at 34+ weeks. Hopefully only 4 1/2 to go. If I don't go in to labor on my own my doctor has agreed to induce me on the 24th of February. I have been induced with the other kids, so I figure why not do it again. I really don't want to attempt giving birth to a 9lb baby (b/c with my history if I waited until term he would be that big), so induction is the way to go. I am doing well with my weight gain - only 20.5lbs thus far, not to say that it is not increasing as we speak - I have had such a sweet tooth lately and have not been eating as good. We have started to buy a few things here and there. There really isn't much to buy when you are having a boy for the 4th time. I have purchased some diapers, new bottles, his own outfit (the kid doesn't need everything to be a hand me down):-), new pacifiers and some new bedding. I have washed all of the baby clothes and I am in the process of getting the car seat washed and ready. Jared was laughing at me the other day b/c he said that with every baby around 33wks I start going through everything and needing things done right away, etc (he isn't too thrilled at my request to paint the nursery green - it has been blue for 5 years - I need a change). We finally found a used dresser for the big boys room so that we can use their plastic dresser for Eli's clothes and then have a place for the baby's clothes. I tell you this house is getting smaller everyday - the walls feel like they are closing in!
I also made a nursing cover today. I saw a few that my cousins have made and thought - hey I could do that too and save some money. It was relatively easy, I made it double sided - it took me about an hour and a half. I thought that was pretty good since I wasn't really following a pattern and the kids were awake. Here is a picture:

We haven't settled on a name for sure yet. We usually have 2 picked out by the time the baby is born. We have one so far. I will post a list later and let everyone give their opinion or suggestions. If this baby had been a girl this wouldn't be so difficult, but after already picking out 6 boy names (first and middle) the 4th boy name is giving us trouble.
Here are some funny pictures of Eli that I took recently:

I also made a nursing cover today. I saw a few that my cousins have made and thought - hey I could do that too and save some money. It was relatively easy, I made it double sided - it took me about an hour and a half. I thought that was pretty good since I wasn't really following a pattern and the kids were awake. Here is a picture:
We haven't settled on a name for sure yet. We usually have 2 picked out by the time the baby is born. We have one so far. I will post a list later and let everyone give their opinion or suggestions. If this baby had been a girl this wouldn't be so difficult, but after already picking out 6 boy names (first and middle) the 4th boy name is giving us trouble.
Here are some funny pictures of Eli that I took recently:
Sounds like you're well on your way to readiness . . . let me know if I can help. And also, I'll get the little guy a new outfit, too. You're right -- he does deserve something of his own that hasn't been pooped in by someone else already!