Getting ready for baby!

So I am now already at 34+ weeks. Hopefully only 4 1/2 to go. If I don't go in to labor on my own my doctor has agreed to induce me on the 24th of February. I have been induced with the other kids, so I figure why not do it again. I really don't want to attempt giving birth to a 9lb baby (b/c with my history if I waited until term he would be that big), so induction is the way to go. I am doing well with my weight gain - only 20.5lbs thus far, not to say that it is not increasing as we speak - I have had such a sweet tooth lately and have not been eating as good. We have started to buy a few things here and there. There really isn't much to buy when you are having a boy for the 4th time. I have purchased some diapers, new bottles, his own outfit (the kid doesn't need everything to be a hand me down):-), new pacifiers and some new bedding. I have washed all of the baby clothes and I am in the process of getting the car seat washed and ready. Jared was laughing at me the other day b/c he said that with every baby around 33wks I start going through everything and needing things done right away, etc (he isn't too thrilled at my request to paint the nursery green - it has been blue for 5 years - I need a change). We finally found a used dresser for the big boys room so that we can use their plastic dresser for Eli's clothes and then have a place for the baby's clothes. I tell you this house is getting smaller everyday - the walls feel like they are closing in!
I also made a nursing cover today. I saw a few that my cousins have made and thought - hey I could do that too and save some money. It was relatively easy, I made it double sided - it took me about an hour and a half. I thought that was pretty good since I wasn't really following a pattern and the kids were awake. Here is a picture:

We haven't settled on a name for sure yet. We usually have 2 picked out by the time the baby is born. We have one so far. I will post a list later and let everyone give their opinion or suggestions. If this baby had been a girl this wouldn't be so difficult, but after already picking out 6 boy names (first and middle) the 4th boy name is giving us trouble.

Here are some funny pictures of Eli that I took recently:


sounds like everything is coming along - we are excited for you guys to have a new little one... I can only imagine how hard it will be, but with 2 kids in school it should help a little! the nursing cover looks great! could be used for a girl one day (hint hint)! send me your dimensions that you used so I can make one too (for a friend as I probably won't be nursing much longer)! Eli is sure getting bigger - we miss you guys
Unknown said…
Can't wait to hear the name choices. I am in shock that you are already 34 weeks! Time has flown...for me at least. :-)
InkMom said…
Those two pacifiers -- now, that, my friend, is shades of G-Dog! I found an old picture the other day of him with a pacifier in each hand and one in his mouth.

Sounds like you're well on your way to readiness . . . let me know if I can help. And also, I'll get the little guy a new outfit, too. You're right -- he does deserve something of his own that hasn't been pooped in by someone else already!
Stacie Cooper said…
ok, 2o lbs you've got to be kidding. I've been throwing up about 5 times a day and haven't even lost one pound so I'm a little nervous about when i'm actually eating something.

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