
On Monday we decided it was finally time to transition Eli from the crib to a bed. With the new baby coming soon we needed to get started on this soon. We haven't purchased a new bed yet, so we just put his crib mattress on the floor for now. Recently Eli has been crawling up in the big boys beds and pulling the covers up, so we figured he was ready. So far he hasn't had too much trouble. The first night he just kept pointing at his crib (we have since taken it down, I know sounds backwards, we are having a baby and taking the crib down - we hope to not have to put it together until after we move since the baby will be in a bassinet for a couple of months - but we aren't convinced our house will sell before then). Anyways I think Eli felt less secure in his bed. I think he actually liked having the bars around him for comfort. We are now on day 4 and he goes to bed just fine and is doing better with his naps. We of course have a gate up so that he can't just leave the room when he wants. This morning he woke up at 6:30am and opened his door. I had to get him b/c he started crying and I didn't want him to wake the whole house up. He snuggled in my bed until it was time to get up.
On a side note - I did my huge grocery shopping trip this morning while Aidan was at school and Adley at preschool. It was just me and Eli. I fed him a bowl of oatmeal before we left and then he had half a hashbrown from McDonalds (I never have time to eat at home on mornings like this) and while we made our way through the aisles Eli ate a package of fruit snacks, a granola bar and a banana (yes, I did pay for it, I had the cashier weigh one banana twice). He sure can eat and it does prevent trantrums in the store - he can't fuss if his mouth is full.
I love my little boy!!!!
Here are some recent family pictures, taken while we were in AZ:


Unknown said…
That is a great family photo!!! Glad the transition to a bed is going well, we are headed inthat direction too, yikes! How are they getting so big already?!
Mommydew said…
Cute cute cute family picture! I'm so glad when you post, I get my House full of boys fix!
InkMom said…
I love your little boy, too -- and the other ones aren't half bad either!
Hammond Family said…
Such cute family pictures! Your boys are adorable!

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