Aidan's Preschool Graduation

Last Friday Aidan had preschool graduation!!! We were a little worried at first that Aidan wouldn't participate. It all depends on his mood for the day, for example the preschool christmas program that he decided he didn't want to be in, so he sat with us instead. Anyway, the morning started out awful - Aidan crying for at least an hour saying he didn't want go. We finally calmed him down and with the help of a little bribe (Lego set) he agreed to be in the program. He did such a great job - here are a couple of pictures.

Walking down the aisle

Aidan with his grandma and Uncle Ehren
The Graduate
Miss Linda, Aidan and Miss Wilma (his teachers)

Singing 'Happy Trails' for their final song

Here is a video of the kids singing and dancing, sorry it gets shaky in the middle, I had to pass the camera off to Jared. Aidan is right in the middle.

I can't believe he starts kindergarten in a couple of months!!!!


Unknown said…
Oh my gosh they have graduation from pre-school now?! Too funny!
tatum said…
he looks just like you!

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