Faith of a 4yr old

Recently Aidan has been having bad dreams again at night. He had them a lot when he was around 18mos old but then they went away. I think with the new change and nervousness of going to preschool they started up again. He is usually not awake even though he is crying or screaming or waving his arms. Usually turning the TV on and getting him to focus on something snaps him out of his dream. Anyways the other night he was afraid to go to sleep. I told him that we could pray to Heavenly Father and ask him to take away the bad dreams. He thought that was a good idea but wanted to know how Heavenly Father would do that and why. I told him that Heavenly Father didn't want him to be afraid and that if he believed or had faith in Heavenly Father then his dreams would go away and he wouldn't be afraid anymore. He said he had faith that Heavenly Father would take away the bad dreams - so we prayed and he went to sleep without any problems. He woke up in the morning and the first thing he said was 'Mommy, I didn't have any bad dreams - Heavenly Father blessed me'.
So now every night we pray for Aidan not to have bad dreams - at his request. Last night the boys were giving Jared trouble in the bath and so Jared got them out and put them straight to bed - Aidan immediately started crying b/c they had forgotten to pray and he didn't want to have any bad dreams. So Jared went back up to say a prayer. He still occasionally has bad dreams - just not 2-3 times a night - and in the morning he doesn't remember them like he did before. Aidan has been a strength to my testimony that all we need is a little faith to get through a lot of our trials. If my 4yr old can have faith then I can too.


Anonymous said…
so cute, such smart boys your have!
birdfam said…
How sweet is that! It's always good to know that what you teach your children is actually being learned by them. It's also a bit humbling as well. What a neat experience for both of you!
Jenny P. said…
is it horrible that I really had no idea that you had a blog? I miss your boys. love you guys.
Jenny P. said…
I love the new look... I posted about Aidan on my blog this morning... among other things. You should come and see. We had fun yesterday!

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