My baby - at least for another 3 weeks

Liam is almost 1 and has finally learned to clap!!! I have been trying to teach him how to do this for the last several months, but he would just look at me and smile. Recently we were hit with another snow storm, this time we got about 8-10 inches (this has been my least favorite winter so far living here). The storm came Thursday while I was working and I ended up having to stay the night at the hospital. I had prepared well and packed a bag knowing the storm was coming and I had to work Friday too. So during my 2 day stay at the hospital is when Liam finally decided to share his talent...along with Adley loosing another tooth (geez, I missed everything). I couldn't believe he picked that day to finally share with everyone but ME what I had been trying to teach him. I was excited but totally bummed at the same time because I had missed it. When I got home last night he wouldn't clap for me either, bummed again.......but today he has been clapping for me all day - see video below.

Over the last 2 months we have been transitioning Liam to 'real' food. He loves it, but he certainly makes a much bigger mess! Here he is at lunch time with some puffs and a fruit bar. He ended up needing a bath after this because he decided the fruit bar was a nice moisturizer for his hair.

Liam 11.5 mos

We have know idea how much Liam weighs now (he has his 1yr checkup soon), but he has 8 teeth - 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom. He is super ticklish, loves to smile and is really really fast crawling. He can walk with some assistance behind his walker. He doesn't really say much except 'ba' or 'ooh', why would he though he has plenty of other people around him to talk for him. I have been working on 'mama' with him forever and with my luck he will say it when I am at work. He finally started sleeping through the night at about 10mos of age - thank goodness!!! He is really wiggly especially when getting his diaper changed - seriously sometimes it takes me, Jared and one of the other kids to hold him down or distract him to get the job done. His favorite thing over the last few months - to climb the stairs (not my favorite thing) so the gate is up which is a pain, but if it keeps him from falling its worth it.
Well that's it for now, another update to follow on Liam when he turns 1!!! 1 can you believe it - I can't!


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