The first few days . . .

after bringing Liam home were not at all what I expected. Liam is doing great - he is not the problem! He is a good eater (sometimes too much, every 2hrs in the middle of the night is exhausting), he sleeps a lot and well you know is good at needing his bum changed! He does all of the wonderful little things that newborns do. I feel guilty having to bring him home to such a crowded, crazy and noisy environment. I wish I could spend just one on one time with him for a couple of weeks without all of the daily distractions. They only stay little for such a short period of time I just want to enjoy every minute of it.
Now for the problems - there has be no rest for the weary in this house. Thursday night Jared had to go to his real estate class from 6pm-10pm, this left me to finish up with dinner, put the boys to bed, and bath Liam. (This might sound easy, but never actually having to take care of 4 kids by myself with absolutely no routine yet was a challenge). On Friday morning we got a call from our realtor saying that they wanted to show the house at 11:30. Sure, no problem we will clean our house in 2hrs and be out the door (easier said than done, but we are desperate to show the house hoping it might miraculously sell). Fortunately we did have a doctors appt to take Liam to at 1pm. He is maintaining his weight - he is 7lbs 12 oz, so only down an ounce from his birth weight. During the process of cleaning the house Eli lost his pacifiers (yes, plural - he carries around 2 sometimes 3 at a time). We looked everywhere for them, and Eli looked for them but they have still not been found. However, since Eli knows he lost (or hid) them he hasn't been too upset. He has now been without his pacifiers since Fri morning. Bedtime and naptime take a little longer, but he hasn't complained too much.
Saturday Jared got sick (not to mention that Aidan and Eli both have coughs). He has essentially been in bed since Saturday evening. I think he has the flu. So this leaves me and only me to take care of 4 kids, keep the house clean (dishes, laundry) and make sure everyone is fed, bathed, changed, etc. I am exhausted (especially from the every 2hr feedings at night - Liam did actually go 4hrs last night - yeah!). I am afraid that if I take a minute to relax that I won't be able to keep up with the ever increasing messes around me. After making dinner, feeding, bathing and putting the big kids to bed, then feeding Liam I realized yesterday at 7:30pm that I hadn't showered yet. I felt yucky!
Now this morning Jared is still in bed, and we are all still couped up in this house b/c it snowed 4-5 inches here last night and school was cancelled. I am afraid to let the boys out to play for fear that their coughs will get worse, but I am dying to have some quiet time in this house.
I am praying that Liam doesn't get sick. I have been disinfecting everything in sight and trying to keep Eli's little fingers off his baby brother. Eli loves Liam. When he sees him nursing he comes to sit next to me and says, 'bite, bite' or 'eat, eat'. I haven't noticed any jealousy yet, he just wants to sit next to him or touch him.
So that is the last few days in a nutshell - sounds like fun doesn't it!!!!
Now for pictures b/c I know that is what you are all really here for:

Eli getting a haircut
Doesn't he look so much older without the fuzzy head!

Adley and his lego robots


Tiffany said…
I've been home for a month now with the newborn and I still feel like that! Not to mention I only have one other kid and not 3 like you. So don't feel bad. It does take adjustment and lots and lots of time. Good luck!
Em said…
yet another adorable boy!!! So happy for you and Jared.
While i'm here, might i recommend paying close attention to my puppy on em and my blog??? he has a secret.
rest well when you can,
Jenni said…
I can't even imagine four! I am exhausted with 2. I'm sure you will have everything running smoothly soon - you are amazing! Totally unrelated - why are you going to be in San Diego in November? I will talk to Sheri, but that sounds like a great idea, we would love to see you!
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh, you are wonder woman. I don't know how the heck you do it. Hopefully once Jared is feeling better things will calm down a bit. All your boys are absolutely adorable!!
InkMom said…
You do good work, my friend. Liam is a beautiful baby.

I look forward to meeting him again.

Please call if you need help. I'm serious. I will be eternally grateful for the service you did for me when I was on bedrest with the twins and you had little Aidan and tiny Adley.
Stacie Cooper said…
Liam is so cute, congradulations!

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