The most beautiful thing I've ever seen...

one of my kids folding laundry!!!!

I can't tell you how much I hate laundry..I hate it right up there with cleaning the toilets. Other household duties I don't love but don't mind either, but laundry is the one that is never ever finished. I desperately need a bigger laundry room so that the couch behind Aidan isn't constantly full of 2 or 3 loads that need folding. We were showing our house this day and we really needed the kids help to get everything done in time. This is the first time Aidan has folded 2 loads by himself AND put them away. It was great and he actually said he didn't mind doing week unloading the dishwasher for Adley. I like it when they get bigger and can take on more responsibility. Woohoooo!


Jenni said…
Ha! That is fantastic that you have him folding laundry. I hate laundry as well! Can't wait for the day when my kids can help more.
Hammond Family said…
It is so nice when they get a little bit older and are able to help out around the house! I agree laundry is never ending and not my favorite household job either! Someday it will be less crazy...right??? Thats what everyone say anyway! Hang in there!
Kristen Cook said…
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Kristen Cook said…
Hey Melanie! Way to go on losing weight. I haven't seen you in a long time but I could tell immediately from your pictures. You look great!

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