Yard Work!

Recently as the weather has gotten warmer we have been out in the yard more. Winter this year and our lack of caring for the grass the last few years has really taken a toll on our yard. Luckily the husband of one of my friends from work owns a lawn care & landscaping business. We traded out some computer work for the yard work. What they did in 3 hrs one day would have taken Jared and I 5 Saturdays I am sure. They fertilized, limed, mulched and pruned. Our yard looked great. A few weeks after that though we started noticing that we had more weeds in our backyard than actual grass. Totally our fault for not fertilizing and weed preventing for the last several years. With having so many little kids it was hard to get out in the yard as often as we liked. So now we started pulling and pulling and pulling up weeds, until we had grass with big brown patches everywhere. We are currently trying to reseed those areas. The boys have enjoyed being out in the yard and Eli is a great little helper.

Jared & Eli
Bad I know - we are hoping the grass starts to pop up soon!
Spring weather and a picnic outside!


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