Aidan starts soccer

Last month we signed Aidan up for soccer. We have only ever done 1 sport with him - T-ball a few years ago and it was just an okay experience, the group we went through was so unorganized it just wasn't fun. So this year I decided it was time to try again, this time we were going to use the Parks & Rec group of the county. I signed him up and waited and waited and waited to be contacted by his coach. Turns out they rely on the one of the parents of the team to be the coach and no one volunteered. They told us to just show up to the first game and see if anyone would volunteer then. So after a busy spring break (more on that later) we showed up to Aidan's soccer game at 9am. He was given a uniform and was going to start his game. He has NO experience in soccer whatsoever. The team that was supposed to play us didn't show - why would they, there was a big blank spot next to their name on their schedule because we didn't have a coach. So the other 2 teams there playing incorporated our 4 of 12 players that showed into their game - how nice! The coaches gave our kids the basic instructions to play. For Aidan's age group they play 3 vs 3 micro soccer. They play for 3 min increments and then switch out. I think each half is 15 or 18min. I was impressed that we actually made it to the 9am game, but then quickly remembered that I didn't bring Aidan any water, the kids were freezing in their shorts, and I didn't bring any chairs to sit in - next time we will do better. At the game one of the moms agreed to be the coach - hooray for that! Her daughter plays high school soccer and actually refs some of the little kids games so she will be her helper. I was so worried we were going to have a bad experience again. Aidan loves soccer - he says its waaaayyyyyyy better than T-ball. He had his first practice on Monday and loved it then too. Here are a few pictures and video from his first game/practice/time ever playing.

Aidan is in blue

They each take a turn at being the goalie
Running after the ball - he's pretty fast!


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