Liam's blessing

On Sunday April 26th, Liam was blessed at church. We felt very blessed that my parents and my grandma were able to come for the special occasion. For those of you who aren't members of my church - when a child is born they are given a blessing, by a man who holds the priesthood. This blessing can take place at home or at church. In the blessing they are given the name which they are known by on the church records and then they are given a priesthood blessing as the Spirit directs the priesthood holder. This does not make them a member of the church - that comes when they are baptized at the age of 8. The blessing simply places them on church records. Liam was blessed by Jared and he was lucky enough to have 3 uncles, and both grandpas present as well. It was a beautiful blessing. Unfortunately Liam did his 'business' in the nice white outfit promptly after his blessing, thus the pictures that follow of him and the family are of him in another outfit. Later in the night after a good washing we put him back in the outfit and took some more pictures.

Jared, Liam and my dad

My parents, Jared, Liam & meFour generation picture

Liam Parley


Tiffany said…
How cute! We also had a great time with your parents and G'ma. Thanks for sharing them with us! We need to get together sometime since we live relatively close to each other! We'll have to set something up soon.
Hey Melanie!
What sweet pictures of little Liam. I know he is such a blessing to your family. You're doing a great job with your house full of boys!
snarkinkmom said…
I remember that Jared said in Liam's blessing, that he would have particularly keen intellect and that he, though younger, would be a righteous example for his brothers and cousins. The pictures are wonderful. Lindsay

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