
So for Halloween this year we did what we do every year. We dressed the kids up (after quickly finishing their costumes 15 min after we were supposed to leave) and took them to the church for the annual 'Trunk or Treat'. Upon arriving to the church here is the conversation from the van:
Aidan (aka Batman): "Mommy I don't think I want to take my Batarangs in to the church, I think I will just leave them in the car."
Me (to Aidan): "What, I just finished making those and that is why we are late,"
Adley (aka Pirate): "Yeah I don't think I want to carry my sword"
Me (to Adley): "What, I just finished spray painting that an hour ago and daddy put it together"
Me ( to Jared): "Why do I even bother?"

Some days I do wonder why I even bother with things like that. I would have been happy to not make those little parts of their costumes. It would have been less stressful for me and maybe we would have arrived on time. Maybe I do it out of fear - fear of the next tantrum, complaint or whine - I actually did put my foot down while I was taping up Aidan's batman batarangs - he actually wanted 3 instead of 2 - why did he care how many I was making if he wasn't going to use them anyway. Well even if they didn't use the parts of the costume that I made the way that I would have wanted them to, I made them because they wanted them, because they smiled when I gave it to them and because I love them, I guess that's why I bother. (I did however convince them (or guilt) them in to taking them inside the church).

We arrived at the church, late for entering the chili contest - bummer! We actually won two years ago, since then though our recipe has been lacking and we are always modifying it to be better.
The kids played, had a few bites of chili and salad and ate way too much candy.
We did the 'trunk or treat'; I must say I do like this way of trick or treating - it is quick and easy and I am not home answering my doorbell half the night or worried about what strangers house my kids are getting candy from.
I can't wait for the bowl to be empty. I am already so tired of being asked 'Can we have a treat?" Plus, all of this candy lingering around is not so good for my pregnant figure.
Here are the pictures:

Batman, Pirate, Frog


Steph said…
It's all worth it. Your kids will remember that they had a mom who was always there. And if they don't remember, then you'll just have to guilt them into remembering.
Jenny P. said…
I meant to tell you yesterday how fun I thought it was that we both had batmans at Halloween. Jordan would have been totally stoked to have you making his costume though. He kept telling me his costume was NOT cool enough because he did not have weapons. Good thing he didn't know that he was wearing an old school 1987 original style batman suit... I needed it to match the Robin costume though, so I thought I was totally justified. I think he was just thrilled to be wearing a cape.

Adley made a perfect pirate. I love his big smile. And Eli's adorable as ever.

It was fun seeing you guys yesterday. :)

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