
1) Adley: 'I'm Indy Indy Jones' or as the rest of us say 'Indiana Jones'

2) Adley: "I'm mad with you'

3) The other day Adley was putting on his sandals and they were on the wrong feet, Jared told him to change his sandals but Adley didn't want to now, he wanted to do it later. Jared told him to change them now and he helped him do it, Adley's response "You never follow my rules, I'm mad with you."

4) We went to the post office yesterday and there was a long line, I had all 3 boys with me and they were being pretty good - one man started talking to the boys.
Man: "How old are you?" (talking to Adley)
Adley: "I am 3" - holding up 3 fingers
Man: "You are 3?"
Aidan: "Yeah, you know the number that follows 2; 1, 2, 3"
Man: "Wow - why aren't you in school"
Aidan: "Because its summer break!"
**I couldn't help but to laugh - but boy do I have a smart alec child.

5) Why is it that my 5 year old is acting like a baby? Yesterday he got in to my makeup and today he wrote on my table, chair and window with a permanent marker. Good thing my clorox spray took it off. At least he admitted to it and didn't lie about it like he has been doing! I am trying to find the positive in all of this.

6) Why is it that I can't find a decent painting company to come and paint my chimney? We recently had to get our chimney resided and I have been trying for the last month to get someone to come and do the job. We have gotten plenty of estimates, but no one seems to show up when they say they are coming to actually paint!!!

7) Eli is often referred to as 'Tiny' by the big boys or 'Hoover' by Jared and I. Eli will eat anything in site and often out eats his brothers. He has cute chubby legs to prove it!

8) GO GREEN - One day Aidan came home from preschool and he had learned all about recycling. For the next week he constantly bugged me about leaving the water running when I brushed my teeth or not recycling other things. We don't recycle b/c our garbage company doesn't pick it up and b/c taking recyclables to the dump is not another thing that I have wanted to add to my list UNTIL now. So I broke down and purchased 2 more trash cans for the garage, 1 for plastic, 1 for aluminum cans. So yesterday Aidan was looking around the house for stuff to recycle. He would pick something up and say, 'Mommy, what is this made out of?" "Can I recycle it?" The funniest part was when he picked up a half full water bottle and asked if he could dump out the water so that he could recycle the bottle - Um , no that would be wasting the water!!!! . . . we can recycle it after we drink the water.

9) Why is it that every time I am with my kids somewhere (mostly Walmart) some person feels the need to comment on me and my children? Often times I hear in response to Eli fussing, 'Oh he must be tired,' or 'Oh, he must be hungry.' OR maybe he is tired of sitting in this cart stopping every 15 feet for someone to comment on how hungry or tired he is and making the grocery trip last 15 minutes longer.
Or when people hear me trying to keep my kids under control or disciplined in the store, they say 'Oh it will get easier, I promise, I had X# of children of my own' - Um - thanks your reassurance is so promising to me at this moment since you are a complete stranger AND if I thought children would never grow up and I would have to deal with this stage forever I wouldn't have had any children. I am well aware that as they get older it should get easier, but right now having you interrupt my shopping trip is not making today any easier.
The worst is when it is visibly obvious that I am trying to hurry and my kids are upset and I get stopped by an older woman that tells me how I am doing a good job and that kids grow up so quickly and how she misses her children and doesn't get to see her grandchildren b/c they live far away and at this point she is crying and it is 10 minutes later and my children are now more upset than before and I am late picking up Aidan from school.

10) My kids love anything that has to do with Star Wars or Indiana Jones (IJ) right now. They especially love the IJ commercials and toys from Burger King. Aidan even has an IJ Lego set. They have seen bits and pieces of the old movies and understand most of the story lines. The problem with this is that when we are in public this is what you might hear my children saying:
Aidan: 'I want to be the Nazi!'
Adley: 'No I want to be the Nazi!'
Aidan's Lego set comes with the Nazi that is chasing IJ and his father. We had to sit the boys down and explain to them that they can not be the 'Nazi' even if they are playing and they are not allowed to call each other one. We explained in simple terms why the Nazi's were bad people and that they hurt a lot of innocent people.

Okay I think that is enough randomness for one afternoon!!!


Jenni said…
Love the post. The stories of your kids make me laugh.
tatum said…
k, my biggest pet peave, people talking about my tired kids at the grocery store.....hello don't they remember what is was like.....i will never forget. =)

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