A good FHE idea!

Lately we have had a lot of name calling and fighting in our house. I know 'boys will be boys', but I have had enough. Today alone, Aidan received a new bruise to his nose (courtesy of a remote control from Adley) and many bites, and Aidan did his fair share of lying. So tonight for Family Home Evening I decided to focus on doing better in this area. I searched the internet and came to sugardoodle.net , a website that I use frequently and found a lesson titled 'Brotherly Love' - Perfect!!!! It talked about the difference between treasure chests and trash cans. The print outs that go with the lesson are here. I filled in the message circles with things good and bad that my children say and do. We went through each one and had the kids take turns deciding whether it was a good thing or a bad thing and placing it on the appropriate picture. The kids had a good time and definitely know right from wrong. We crumbled up the trash can picture with all of the bads things on it and threw it in the real trash can. We placed our treasure chest on the fridge to remind the kids that if we do and say good things than the Holy Spirit will want to be in our home. Our treat for the lesson was 'gold bricks' from our treasure chests, commonly known as Rice Krispies.


that's a great idea - i bet the boys had a lot of fun with it and it will stick with them with a little reminding! great treat idea too! It makes me want a Rice Crispy.
Sarah said…
Hey Melanie! I just found Andrea's blog which lead me to yours. Your boys are so handsome. Three boys...you must be busy. How often do you hear that? I can totally relate with the feelings in this post. I am the mother of 3 boys as well and I feel like the only thing I do all day is referee. I love the FHE idea, I am going to give it a try. Thanks!!!
You can check out my blog at www.sjwimmer.blogspot.com. If you don't mind I am going to add you to my links.
Sarah (wilson)

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