What we've been up to . . .

Funny Story - Last Thursday I let Aidan stay after preschool for lunch bunch. When I picked him up I asked him how his day went. The first thing out of his mouth was 'Mom, Emma likes me and I'm in love with her. We are going to get married'. I then asked Aidan what happened to Ella Lee or 'Ella S' as he likes to call her. She is girl that he liked because he said that she wears pretty bows in her hair. He said he still likes her but that he likes Emma and Lauren now too. If this is how it is in preschool already - what is it going to be like when he is 16!!!
Not so funny story - I asked Aidan what he learned at school this past Thursday - following all of the marriage talk from above he told me that his friend John told him that sometimes boys marry boys and girls marry girls. I was in shock - I thought this wasn't an issue I was going to have to deal with until he was at least in the 5th or 6th grade - but preschool!!!! So I quickly told him that it was not right for boys to marry boys . . . but that we would sit down after daddy got home and talk about it some more. So we had a brief but good talk. We told him that we believed that it was wrong for boys to marry boys . . . and that it did not make Heavenly Father happy. Heavenly Father wants only boys and girls to be married. We did explain to him that just b/c it wasn't something that we believed was right, that it didn't mean people won't do that. We also tried to explain to him that he is still supposed to be nice to everyone even though they may not believe what we believe. (Aidan has already told me that he wants to tell his preschool teacher that she shouldn't drink coffee - we had to tell him that even though we know it is wrong other people don't and it is their choice). I wonder what conversations kindergarten is going to bring!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Act of Service - Okay so last story about Aidan I promise - We were at Chick-Fil-A the other day for lunch. Aidan was playing in the play place and was giving a little boy a boost to get to the next level. When it was time to go he was sitting on the bench next to another mommy putting his shoes on. The woman made that comment that the other boy was going to be sad he was leaving b/c he was so nice in helping him get to the top. Aidan replied 'Yep - it was an act of service'. So he really is listening in primary! :-)
Sickness - This past week and a half Eli and Adley have been sick. Both with runny noses, congested and Adley with a cough. We have been doing the typical cough medicines for both and bulb suctioning, saline spray and humidifier for Eli. On Thursday evening at dinner Adley started not looking so well. He said ' mommy it is getting really hot in here'. I took his temperature and it was 103.2. It was his usual bath night so I took him up to the bath - ran the water at the normal temperature and bathed him. After his bath he kept saying that he was freezing and he was shivering so badly. It took about 10min for his teeth to stop chattering after we wrapped him in a blanket. I decided that since I worked the next day that I probably should take him to the after hours clinic at his Pediatricians office. It turns out that Adley has 'atypical pneumonia' or walking pneumonia; and a small ear infection. It is referred to as atypical because of the time of year that it presents - late summer, early fall. He was started on antibiotics and a long acting cough med. We decided it would probably be a good idea to have Eli checked out since he had some of the same symptoms. He is okay - just has a small ear infection as well. Adley is doing much better now, no more fevers and his cough is improving.
Eli has teeth - Eli has recently gotten 2 teeth - both on the bottom. I am going to miss his gummy smile, but will be glad that he can start eating more solid foods soon. Here is a picture of him - you can kind of see his teeth.
Eli - Eli slept through the night for the first time on Thursday night. He went to bed at 9pm and I had to wake him up at 6am to feed him before I left for work. Hopefully this trend will continue and I will be able to get more sleep soon.
Camping - The end of Sept we went camping with our ward from church. The boys had a great time - me and Eli went home before bed and then came back for breakfast. Here are some pictures.
Our 3 boys - We finally got recent pictures of the 3 kids together as well as individual. We took 48 pictures and got about 8 good ones. Quite the task!
So that is what we have been up to the last few weeks - thanks for enduring this post. Until next time.


you guys are busy busy busy people - I guess that's what happens with 3 boys! glad they are feeling better and looks like the camping was fun, I would have gone home to sleep too! can't wait to see you in a few weeks - the weather has been great here! hope work is going well also
Anonymous said…
I love looking at your Blog and Andrea and Kadee's. All of you do such a great job. What great journals these are. Can you print these pages out and put them in books? That would be so great. What treasure it would be.
Jenny P. said…
Happy Happy Birthday... from all of us to you... what a fun post. totally can't believe the preschool stories!! The things our kids are exposed to... glad Eli is sleeping all night. Yeah for him! And I hope Adley gets to feeling better soon!
Anonymous said…
I just found your web page on Jenny’s blog I hope you don’t mind!
I just wanted to tell you that I loved the movie where Adley is saying Elephant, what a cute memory uhu.
I hope he gets better soon!

Take care

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