Back to Normal

Well things are finally getting back to normal in our household after being sick all last week. Aidan actually had another small episode of throwing up on Tuesday night, but we have had no other episodes in 2 days so I think we are in the clear.
Today was PJ day at Aidan's preschool - he wore his Superman PJ's. He said they popped popcorn and had a slumber party - how fun! I also had the chance to have my parent teacher conference with his teacher Miss Wilma. She reports that Aidan is doing very well and is a 'delight' to have in class. She said that he is ahead of other kids in most areas and is ready to start bringing home the easy reader books, since he is sounding out words all the time. The other day he read the word 'rescue' off of Adley's t-shirt. I am so proud of him as to how well he adapted to school and how he is so willing to learn new things. Hopefully he will be reading by the beginning of next year.
Aidan recently told me that he wants to be an Eye Doctor like his Uncle Craig. We think that Adley may want to be an architect because he has been busy building houses with every kind of toy we have. Blocks, Lincoln Logs, Legos, etc. He is the child that actually plays with all of the toys that we have and on a pretty regular basis. He loves Thomas the Tank Engine right now and the other day he said to me, "Mommy I want to watch Thomas and Friends, Making tracks to great destinations." It took me a minute to figure out what he was saying - but that is what they say at the beginning of every episode of Thomas.
Eli is moving around the house more and more everyday - today we found him standing up at the bottom of the stairs holding on to the second stair - I guess I will have to be getting the gates out soon. Here is a video of him crawling around the house and another picture of him trying to stand up while holding on to a Lincoln log box.

In other news Jared's parents dog Maddie died last month. It was getting kind of lonely at the house and everyone was missing the dog so Jared's mom surprised Jared's dad with a new golden retriever puppy. Her name is Miss Lily. She is now 10 weeks old and such a pretty dog. The boys love her too - mostly because she licks and she is smaller than they are. Here is a picture of Maddie about a month before she died and then a couple of Lily.
Maddie in August

Other news to report is that since having Eli in Feb we have been quite cramped in our Honda Pilot with 3 car seats across the middle bench making it difficult to buckle seats and I practically had to throw Eli into his seat in the middle. So we traded in the Pilot for a Honda Odyssey yesterday. It is a 2005 - same color as our Pilot. It only has 30K miles and it has the DVD system that we wanted. We don't really use the DVD player that much around town but it is so nice if we are traveling anywhere longer than 2 hrs.
So far for Halloween we will be having a Power Ranger and Pirate in our house - not sure what Eli will be yet. We will post pictures.


cute, they are a handful as puppies sometimes - but so fun! Eli is so good at crawling and also at rocking, Ashlyn never got that good at it! can't wait to see Halloween pictures!
birdfam said…
Oh my goodness! Eli is getting so big
! I love his big blue eyes! I can't wait to meet him! I can't wait for Kensington to crawl either. She's so close. I posted an update on our kids on my moms blog if you want to check it out it's See y'all soon!

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