I love this boy....

messy face and all!

Eli is so much fun to have around the house. He is quite challenging at times - for example - he is still not potty trained....we have to lock up every place that has food or he will eat everything we have in about 10 minutes - all silently! But he is such a joy to have in the house and he always has a smile on his face....here are a few things that Eli has said or done lately.

At our house if we have to open something for the boys we take a 'tax' (small piece or bite) for opening it. Recently we were at church and Eli asked me to open his fruit snacks, I did and handed them back to him, he responded 'You need take tax mommy'

When we were driving to TN last month Eli wanted a snack. Here is our conversation:
Me: What do you say?
Eli: Thank you
Me: No, what do you say?
Eli: Your welcome
Me: No, what do you say?
Eli: I don't know, which one is it?
Me: Please
Eli: oh, please can I have a snack

Eli loves to watch when Jared or I drive away in the mornings or return at night. He says "me watch urs car leave?" Jared usually calls from down the street so we can have Eli open the garage door and watch him pull the car in the garage.

Eli sleeps with a ton of stuffed animals - His 'tar' (Star), Elmobebe (Elmo & Bebe button bear - they are one to him), a big bear, a big fish and usually abut 3 books, his tiny bottle of lotion (which is a sample I got when I had Liam) and sometimes a water bottle and sometimes cars too. I know A LOT of things - but he insists. He is always carrying things around with him during the day too. Ever since I started my diet and have been drinking tons of water that is all Eli wants to drink too - which is good but he carries a water bottle everywhere and tries to fill it up by himself or wash the walls....you get the idea.

Eli is starting to sing a long to songs. We were listening to a mix CD that Jared made in the van. It has songs like Carry On my Wayward Son (Kansas), Final Countdown (Europe), and We Built this City (Starship). The big boys love it and so does Eli. We caught him singing this "on rock and roll...on rock and roll...on rock and roll" Jared asked him 'what on rock and roll?' He replied singing "We built this city on rock and roll".

He also yelled at us one day from the back about a song he didn't like. "Turn it off, turn it off, I hate this song". Apparently we didn't change it fast enough because it was followed by "Me hate this song - turn it off!"

And to top it all off - Eli learned how to open a soda can yesterday, apparently silently as well....Jared left the fridge unlocked and found him in the kitchen drinking his very own Dr. Pepper! Gotta love that smile because that is what he gives you when he knows he is in trouble!

***Liam has finally learned to walk - video to come!


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