Happy Birthday to my Boys!

Eli at the hospital

Yesterday Eli celebrated his 3rd birthday! We had a great day despite Eli being sick - he has been sick for about a week now. We picked up Adley from preschool and let Eli pick where he wanted to eat lunch, of course he chose "MixDonald's". So we went there (not my favorite, but hey it was his birthday!) Then we went home so I could finish Eli's cake. I had intended on making two small cakes a monkey and a banana cake with some cupcakes and cookies, but Eli insisted on a car cake. So I gave in.....I found a really cute car cake on the internet and decided that I would try to make a cake using fondant for the first time. The fondant wasn't the hard part of this cake, and the structure wasn't either, it was the poor recipe I used. The cake looked great, however it didn't taste so great.

Opening presents

I love my Eli!!! He is so much fun to have in our house. He makes me laugh all the time and can usually weasel his way out of any punishment with a smile. I love that he is so different from my other boys - his blonde hair and blue eyes!!! He is certainly a little charmer. Since he wasn't feeling the greatest on Sunday I stayed home from church with him and Liam. The whole time he kept saying to me 'put on church clothes, go to church, play with the kids'. I hated keeping him home when all he wanted to do was go to church, but Jared was sure we would get some looks from people if they heard his cough.
Recently I signed Aidan up for soccer. Eli really wants to play too. I told him that he had to get bigger before he could play. The next day Eli told me "I'm bigger now mommy, play soccer?". We have this conversation every couple of days now. I wish they had stuff like that for the little little kids. So potty training hasn't gone as I'd expected with Eli. He will use the potty for the first part of the day on occasion, but most days he just asks for a diaper over a pull-up. I think he's just being lazy. I just signed him up for preschool for the fall and he knows he has to be potty-trained by then. So hopefully he will be motivated by that at some point.
Below is the kitchen set that Eli and Liam both got from Me & Jared and Jared's parents. We gave it to them early and they love it. It is the perfect size and even the big boys like to play too. So we decided to go with a kitchen theme for the birthday presents. The boys got many items for the pantry and refrigerator as well a pizza and vegetables. It keeps them entertained.


Today was Liam's 1st Birthday!!!! I can't believe, my baby isn't a baby anymore. Where has the time gone? I'm kind of sad since he is our last child. The rest of you out there can keep having babies so I can love on them and not bring them home.
Tonight we celebrated Liam and Eli's birthday with Jared's family. Here is a picture of Liam's cake.

(Ironic that I am listening to "Upside Down" - theme music from Curious George right now on my computer - thanks to the shuffle feature)
The rest of us had banana cookies and monkey cupcakes
(I don't plan on cooking anytime in the near future after all the baking I've done in the last two days)
Singing Happy Birthday
(this picture reminds me of the picture below from Liam's birth)

Liam & Aidan

What a mess! His new shirt is so fitting, it has a little monster on it that says MESSY under it!

Liam goes for his 1 yr checkup tomorrow. What a wonderful year it has been. He has by far been my most content baby. I think he knows he is #4 and just has to be patient. He has been such a blessing to our family. He brings a smile to my face everyday. He has recently learned how to wave and blow kisses and I think he is starting to say 'hi' and 'wow'. He could throw a 'mama' in there too and I wouldn't mind. He has really started making more sounds and I'm hoping he will put those sounds into words. He isn't walking yet but can move along pretty good behind his walker. Oh how I love this little boy - he melts my heart!
Sneaking some pizza while mommy isn't looking!
(I'm thinking Eli helped his little brother out here)

Video of Liam using his walker!


Unknown said…
Mel I love reading your blog. Your love for all your boys is just so touching to read. They are all so different and special. btw, your cake making skills are insane!!! Please move back to AZ and teach me how to do that!! Happy Birthday dear Eli and Liam!!
sounds like both birthdays turned out awesome! You did great on the cakes and I loved the banana cookie idea (I didn't know you were going to do that too)! He'll be walking in no time
Kendra said…
Can't believe the boys are 3 & 1. Seems like no time at all since I was there for Eli's birth, much less Liam's. Your kids are so cute and so sweet. Your cake skills just amaze me, they turned out great! Your amazing.

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