
We had a great Halloween this year! Early in the week we carved pumpkins. The boys designed the faces and Jared carved the faces (or used power tools). Then on Friday night I had to work and met the boys at church for the halloween party. Aidan was a Knight, Adley a Ghost, Eli a dinosaur (or an alligator, depends on which mood he was in) and Liam an Elephant (only got one pic of him in his costume and it wasn't a good one, I may cheat and put him back in his costume today for a pic). Jared did a fantastic job on Aidan and Adley's costumes. Aidan's is made from cereal boxes. Then we went trick or treating on Halloween with some friends from work with their kids. This was the first time we took any of the kids trick or treating that wasn't at the church. The kids had a lot of fun despite the light mist of rain which turned into a downpour. They were all very good sports!

We had Alien pumpkins this year!
Daddy using the power tools - made it so much faster!
The end result
Halloween night
Aidan wearing his costume to school
Cupcakes that Jared and I made for the church Halloween party


InkMom said…
I didn't know the cupcakes were yours -- but thanks, because my kids fought over them!
such cute cupcakes, they look yummy and I could eat a few I'm sure! The costumes were awesome, I'm glad you took pictures of the alien pumpkins because they will love that when they are older - so creative. did you dress up?

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