Liam update

I took Liam for his official 4.5 mo checkup. He now weighs 16lbs 6oz.; 27 in long and has a 17 in head. He spit up 4 times while at the Peds office and it actually hit the doctor once. These weren't small spit ups either - more like splashes. I told the doctor that he spits up but nothing like that - and that if he really was doing this all the time he would have heard from me along time ago.
Liam is doing wonderful and loves to make lots of noises. He goes to bed easily and he has a favorite blanket that he snuggles up to at night (thanks Ehren & Jessie). He rolls over and is starting to want to sit more. He can sit in his Bumbo chair now. The other day he was sitting next to me on the couch and fell asleep.

Liam all scrunched up sleeping

Another view

In other news - Good news: Eli peed on the potty yesterday for the first time. Bad news: Eli can now climb over his gate and out of his pack n play - nap time may be non existent from here on out.


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