Primary talk & Legos

Two Sunday's ago Aidan (or I should say Jared & I) were given the assignment to prepare a talk on baptism. Aidan has never given a talk in primary and it took a couple of years for him to be willing to give the scripture. So we prepared the talk and had Aidan practice at home. He can read really well and did a good job practicing. About an hour before he was supposed to give his talk he started crying saying he was nervous and that he didn't want to do it. We try to console him and tell him he will be fine. He claims he still won't do it. Now I am not a big fan of giving a talk in church but if any of you have heard any stories about Jared as a child then you know that I can totally blame Aidan's behavior all on him. :-) I offer to buy Aidan a candy bar or an ice cream cone if he will just give his talk. He says he doesn't want either. Then he comes up with a great idea - how about a new Lego set. Of course, he wants a more expensive and bigger bribe. Jared agrees to this - I still wasn't a big fan of this. As soon as we agree, all of the sudden Aidan is happy, no more tears. Apparently Legos are a cure for being nervous. He even wants to practice his talk on his classmates, before giving it in front of all of the kids. When it is his turn, he walks up to the podium, gives his talk without any problems and sits back down - all smiles!

That people, is a case of Aidan totally scamming his parents!!!!!!!!!

**On a side note, Adley gave a talk last Sunday, did a great job and no bribery (or should I say scamming) took place. Adley didn't need it, he was very willing to give his talk.


Unknown said…
LOL, oh he totally has you two pegged!!! Very smart kid! ;-)
Tiffany said…
That's awesome. What a smart boy to play on parents sympathy.

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