Many posts in one!!!

"I don't want to clean up, I'm tired . . ."
If you have children then I am sure this phrase is oh so familiar to you. Yesterday after a long day of staying home and attempting to watch General Conference, my house was trashed. The kids had toys strewn from one end of the house to the other . . . Lincoln logs, Legos, cars, etc. But when it was time to clean up before dinner I got the usual response "I don't want to clean up, I'm tired." I hate it when they say that - they sure had enough energy to make the mess, I guess they should have saved some of that energy to clean it up. We tell the kids they can't eat dinner if they don't pick up. But then we get the response "but we are starving . . .". Well I guess if you were starving you would picking up rather quickly by now. The other side to all of this is when they beg for your help to clean up THEIR mess. Of course I am going to help my kids clean up their mess, but while I am cleaning up all of the cars scattered everywhere, this is what I hear "Mommy I need help - you' re not helping me!!!" coming from one of the boys that is cleaning up the lincoln logs. I have tried time and time again to explain to them that even though I am not helping them directly with their personal task, that if I wasn't cleaning up the cars, then they would have to do that next. Still to no avail this repeats it self almost every day. I do love my children, but sometimes they drive me crazy. Next time they want dinner, I will tell them "I don't want to make dinner, I'm too tired" or when they want to get dressed, "Sorry there are no clean clothes, I was too tired to do laundry."
While I am venting some of my frustrations as a mother, here is another one!!! Eli is 13 1/2mos old. He has been getting his clothes changed since birth at least 2 times a day (clothes, jammies), and he gets his diaper changed on average 3-4 times a day. So why does he insist on fighting me every step of the way when it is time to get him dressed. Now that he is walking he is always on the move. He never wants to be still. When trying to get him dressed he flails his arms and legs and screams like I am the worst mom ever. If he would only sit still it would take half of the time. Same with the diaper. Now I would like to think that as a baby having your bottom changed it would actually feel better than sitting in a poopy mess. But he resists diaper changes too. I always need to have one of the big boys trying to distract him, or finding him a toy or a book. If he would just lay still for 15 seconds, the whole thing would be over in a flash. Rather Eli insists on the 5 minute diaper changes, that end up with him rolling side to side or completely over, and me frantically trying to get the diaper switched out without getting poop on everything. Despite my daily frustrations with being a mother - it is one of the best parts of my life. I love it when they give hugs and kisses, or when they learn something new. I love to do projects with them and see how proud they are of themselves with the creation that they made. It is neat to see Eli's little personality show itself more everyday. I love my children. So for the days that I get frustrated I get many days of fulfillment too.

Easter and Jared's Birthday

Since I neglected to make a post about Easter or Jared's 29th birthday (boy he is getting old!!!), here are some pictures from both.
Daddy's birthday - opening Legos - yes he is 29 and still plays with Legos!!!

We had a nice day with Jared on his birthday - we went to the mall and he got some jeans and then we went out to dinner. The boys did great at dinner. We then came home and had cake (not really, I just bought Jared's favorite - Boston Creme Doughnuts). Then the boys went to bed and we watched a movie - Dejavu. Good movie but quite intense and scary. It took a while for me to fall asleep. Next time girl movie.

Adley playing a video game while Daddy opens his presents.
Dare Devil!!!
Eli found an egg - notice he is also carrying his fork - he has to have one all the time!!
Aidan searching for eggs!

Eli was sick about a month ago - he had a really high fever for about 4 days. The doctor couldn't find anything wrong with him - probably just a virus. Here is a picture of Eli when he wasn't feeling good.

Aidan has also been sick - he had strep throat last month, and now he has it again. Along with the strep throat this time he has a mild eye infection. After Jared had taken Aidan to see Uncle Craig about his eye and his pediatrician about the sore throat they headed to the pharmacy to see Pop-pop to get his antibiotic. Aidan made the comment "I am sure am lucky to have an uncle that is an eye doctor and a pop-pop that is a pharmacist." Lucky he is!!!

Well I am sure you are all getting tired after my marathon post. I will try to stay better up to date so that I don't have to post so much at one time.

I need Advice: Any suggestions on how to get Eli to take a sippy cup?????


Jenni said…
I am laughing at your Eli diaper story because Ethan was the exact same way. It was near impossible for me to change him without backup. When he got a little older we finally started bribing him with candy. I know that is terrible!!
maybe with the sippy cup thing just leave one out on the coffee table or by the toys and see if he take it on his own! We have been trying to get Ashlyn off bottles but she refuses to have milk in a sippy, it HAS to be in a bottle!! She'll drink water and juice in a sippy just great though. Kids..... Ashlyn did the twisting and turning during diaper and clothes changes, he will grow out of it!
Unknown said…
LOL, just know you are not alone on the diaper and dressing situation. :-) Danica is the same way. I always have to have 5 toys ready and most times those get thrown on the floor right away.

With the cup thing...I got nothing...Dani prefers a sippy to her bottles.
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tatum said…
cute boys, i just found you and andrea through tiffany, she and nate were down here yesterday and we were talking about blogging, didn't know you were doing it, but added you to mine, hope it's okay, our's is hope you guys are enjoying spring. tatum

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