Eli's 1st Birthday!!!

Yesterday was Eli's first birthday and we had such a wonderful day. We made a really yummy breakfast that we knew Eli would enjoy - Waffles - minus the syrup of course - that could get really messy. He thoroughly enjoyed it as it was different from the daily fruit or oatmeal that he eats. Then we headed in to town to go to the Hand's On museum for kids. This is the first time that we have been and it was so much fun. The big boys enjoyed it more than Eli since he was in his stroller. We had such a good time I think we will be getting a yearly membership. Here are some pictures of Eli in his new shoes from Grandma Laurie and of the museum.

What a big boy!!! I still can't believe he is 1 already!!
Mini Grocery Store
Checking out at the grocery store
The boys favorite - the Lego race track - Jared said that if we ever have a house big enough we will build one of these in the basement.

Future Doctors???

After the museum we went to lunch and then back home. We were going to have a family birthday with Jared's family but many of the cousins were sick so just Grandpa and Grandma Shelton came over for the party. We were able to turn on the web cam for my mom so that she could see him open his presents and eat his cake. Here are some pictures of the Fish cake we made Eli, opening of presents and eating the cake. He sure did like the cake!!!

Opening his presents - he got a book; Mr. Potato Head police man; a bubble machine for the bathtub; 100 plastic balls; shoes; clothes; and a play phone.
He loves the balls - yesterday and today he hasn't been seen without one in his hand or his mouth.
Yummy Cake!!!
I need a bath!!!Cleaning up in the tub
Bubbles in the tub!!!

Eli isn't walking yet, I think he could if he really tried, but every time he realizes he is standing without holding on he sits down - UNTIL TODAY - today probably 20 times we saw Eli just standing without holding on and just waving his arms or playing with a toy. He even pushed his walker around with more stability and even walked with it backwards. Maybe he realized that now that he is 1 and such a big boy it is time to figure out the whole balance and walking thing. We will let you know his progress!!!
Now for a stroll down memory lane . . .
Eli - about 3 weeks old

4mos old
6 mos old
8 mos old
1st Birthday!!!

Eli now weighs about 25 lbs; has 10 teeth and is such a fun little boy to have around the house. He can say 'mama'; 'dada'; 'mo mo' (more); 'no no no no'; and 'baba'. We love you Eli!!!!!!


Super cute pictures, wish we were there! His gift should get there on Monday... Ashlyn is about 22 pounds and Eli weighs as much as Maeley! Funny huh. Ashlyn has 8 teeth with 4 molars that are almost through. Our babies are getting big! Time for your next one. hahaha
Jenny P. said…
I'm so sad we missed it! Way to go on the cake by the way! Very impressive. I love that little boy. And the museum looks amazing. We'll have to check it out the next time we are in town. We love you guys and hope to see you soon...
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday Eli! I can't belive how fast the kids are growing up!

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