Eli is starting to walk!!!!

All day today Eli has been standing without holding on to anything. He was doing this for 30+seconds and waving,etc. So I thought I would see if he would walk to me. I was holding one of the balls that he got for his birthday to try and coax him to walk to me. Sure enough he did - he took 4 steps. Jared was home and got to see as well. So I am guessing that in probably less than a week he will have this whole walking thing figured out.

Also right before Eli's birthdays party Jared was filming Aidan to make sure our video camera was working (grumble, grumble, grumble (I hate our video camera - it has a mind of its own)). He was asking Aidan questions, his age, etc. He then asked him "Aidan what is your favorite thing in the whole wide world?" Fully expecting him to say Star Wars - we were surprised with a different answer. He responded "MY FAMILY".
It's nice to know that at 5 years old he recognizes that his family is so important. I hope that he remembers this when he is a teenager.


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