High School was 10 yrs ago!!

I can't believe HS was 10 years ago. I am starting to feel old. Jared often reminds me that I will be 28 soon. I tell him that's okay because he has been 28 for 4 months already. Anyways my 10 yr HS reunion is this summer, I won't be attending as it is in AZ and we can't make the trip. We have been receiving emails from the reunion committee asking for updated photos. So below you will see the pictures that I sent in of the family. Finally there is one of Jared and I together for those of you that keep asking for us to take a picture.
Also I am going to try an add a video of Eli laughing. He has just recently started laughing without us tickling him and it is so cute.

Eli in the bean bag.
Me & Jared


Your couples photo looks really good, it's hard to accept the fact that we're all just growing old - but it is nice to know we are still in our 20's... Eli is so adorable, can't wait to hold him and squeeze his cheeks. I let Ashlyn take a bath in the regular tub today, she loved it!

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