Rain rain go away!!!

For the past week it has been non stop rain around here and then finally today a little tiny bit of sunshine! I was getting so tired of the dark drizzly days, the look of everything being soaked and the mess it was creating on my kitchen floors day after day. And now I am annoyed at the time it takes us to get Aidan to and from school. The river that we live near has overflowed onto the main road to Aidan's school. It normally takes us 15 minutes round trip to get him to school, now it is taking us about 45min round trip. Living in the mountains does not provide one with many alternate routes. There is one other road close to us that would get us to the school quicker, but it has been closed for the last year for construction. The way we are going actually has a sign that says 'no thru traffic', but come on if I went the way I supposed to go it would tack on at least another 10 minutes. We are actually driving into town to then go back out of town to get to Aidan's school and then back into town and back out of town to get home. My gas budget this week is going to be over. Now that it has stopped raining hopefully the water will recede a little and by Monday the road will be open.


Unknown said…
ooh, that does not sound fun! I mean I like rain but not that much! :-)
Tiffany said…
Yes, we got hit hard on Monday and Nate couldn't get to school either because all the roads going to his school were flooded. We were glad our house didn't flood.

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