Let It Snow!!!!

Last night as I was driving home from work it started to snow and this morning when we woke up the snow was 4 inches deep. Aidan is the only kid who has every really seen snow or played in it, but that was about 2-3 years ago. So the kids were so excited this morning to get dressed up (in what snow attire we could find around the house) and go play in the snow. Aidan however - resisted attempts to double up on his clothing and wear his big coat, so that is why you will only see him in a light weight jacket. It is raining a little bit now and we fear it will freeze tonight, which only makes for the roads to be worse and most likely that we will lose power. It seems like we always lose power with any kind of storm - hopefully maybe this time will be different - we are prepared though.
I added on a picture of Eli using his walker - he is getting better. He can stand by himself, he is just afraid to without the support - he will occasionally do it without realizing it though, but as soon as he does - he sits down. We hope the walker will give him more confidence.
Enjoy the pictures!!!


Mommydew said…
Fun! I heard from my family that they got snow as well. Not us! It did get chilly, but no snow. I can't believe how big your boys are!
birdfam said…
How fun for your boys! And exciting that Eli is starting to stand by himself. What cute boys! We sure miss you guys and will pray that your keep your power.
Do you still have alot of snow? It looks like your children had a fantastic time playing in the snow!

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